Industrial Metalforming Technologies
Industrial Metalforming Technologies
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IMfT Visit to Sheffield Forgemasters International Ltd.

IMfT arranged a Plant Tour and Workshop at Sheffield Forgemasters on 26 November 2009


9.30 - 10.00 - Arrival and coffee

10.00 - Introduction and video from CEO

10.30 - Plant tour

12.00 - 12.30 - Presentations from the technical directors of Forging – Melting – Casting

12.30 - Lunch around the table with a general discussion including the Sheffield Forgemasters’ technical directors of
           Forging – Melting – Casting

1.30 - IMfT Workshop
Activities and Developments at the Advanced Machining Research Centre (AMRC) Sheffield
Dr. Jamie McGourlay, Rolls-Royce Partnerships Co-ordinator with AMRC

Industrial and Academic Metalforming Research at the South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China
Professor Qinxiang Xia, Visiting scholar at the University of Nottingham. Topics covered included: heavy forging, stamping, novel spinning processes

For further details please contact:
Dr. Qinxiang Xia
School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering
South China University of Technology
Guangzhou, 510640, China
Tel: 13902233118; 07909 422 437(UK)

Update on the International Institute of Metalforming (IIM)
Dr. Alan Arthur, Commercial Director, Confederation of British Metalforming

John Yarnall, New Business Development Manager, Bodycote Metallurgical Coatings

IMfT would like to thank Sheffield Forgemasters International Ltd. for a splendid visit.

IMfT would also like to thank St. Mary’s Church & Conference Centre for providing a first class lunch.