Industrial Metalforming Technologies
Industrial Metalforming Technologies
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IMfT Metalforming Awareness May Day Seminar

1st May 2003 – Allesley Hotel, Coventry

Industrial Metalforming Technologies (IMfT) – formerly the British Cold Forging Group (BCFG) welcomed metalformers, their customers and suppliers to a FREE One Day Launch Seminar on 1st May 2003 at the Allesley Hotel, Coventry. After 51 years of being British and in Cold Forging it was realised that Global issues dominate the metalforming market and cold forging is no longer a special process.
IMfT is outward looking and in metalforming terms, all embracing of processes and their attendant technologies.
The format adopted for the Seminar Programme reflected a mix of generic overarching metalforming issues and specific technical topics at the leading edge. This approach and the technical matters selected is in part determined by the prevailing conditions in the market and by way of responding to the individual/collective concerns of member organisations.
It is intended to hold four seasonal events each year as has been the case previously with the BCFG. In addition, the IMfT will reflect the web driven culture of providing information on-line to its members and where possible provide hand holding, easy to use methods to help companies improve metalforming design, innovation and performance.
The event will included a small exhibition of metalforming products/processes. Suppliers to the industry also had stands along with regional bodies who offer support, guidance and advice.


09.30 - 10.00 Arrival and coffee

Session One - Changing Technological Environment

Howard Jones – Generics Group

Stephen Panke – Pearson Panke Ltd.

12.30 - 13.30 Lunch

Session Two - Electronic Exchange of Technical Information

Mike Dryland – SMMT (formerly Director IT, Ford Motor Co., Europe)

Peter Standring – University of Nottingham